Project Donations

The committee’s goal is to raise $1,000,000 to build the Martin County Veteran’s Memorial.

Download Donation Form

Our Donors

The Martin County Veterans Memorial has been made possible by the generosity of hundreds of businesses, organizations, and individuals throughout our community.

If you would like to make a donation to the MCVM project, please download the Donation Form at the link above.

Donation Levels






Current Donations


Stars Donor Amount
Ameri­can Legion Post #36 $42,179.07
Douglas & Diana Kahler $39,446
Martin County Area Foun­dation $30,000
Rosen Family Foun­dation $20,000
Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter #832 $10,700
Martin County VFW Post #1222 $10,000
S & J Exca­vating $6,850
Ameri­can Legion Post #553 (Bench) $5,000
Car Parts Direct LLC $5,000
Steve & Diane Chase (Bench) $5,000
Disabled Ameri­can Veterans Chapter #32 $5,000
Fosness Monu­ment Com­pany LLC $5,000
Harsco Rail $5,000
Kahler Electric $5,000
Richard L. Maday $5,000
Mankato Area Foun­dation – Veterans Memo­rial Fund $5,000
Rex Granite Company $5,000
Profin­ium Banks (5 Year Pledge 4/5) $4,000
Ameri­can Legion Post #529 (Bench) $3,000
Bank Midwest $3,000
Jerry Theobald “In Memory of Eddie Limoges” $3,000
BoeKett Building Supplies $2,500
Califor­nia Recov­ery Team – AH1 Heli­copter $2,500
Steve & Diane Chase $2,500
Martin County Sen­tence to Serve $2,500
Craig Scott Nelson $2,400
Martin County Con­crete $2,375
Great Plains Trans­portation Services Employ­ees $2,014
A-1 Con­crete Grinding & Mud­jacking $2,000
Madsen Land Survey­ing $1,930
Steve & Kathy Fosness $1,750
Knights of Colum­bus #1575 $1,500
Robert Meschke Memo­rial $1,475
Bruce & Sue Moore & Madeline Moore $1,100
Andrew & Tracy Skwiot $1,100
Terry Ander­son $1,000
Baarts Trucking Inc $1,000
Fairmont Ford $1,000
Steve Fosness $1,000
Frater­nal Order of Eagles Ladies’ Auxil­iary #3394 $1,000
Ben Land­steiner $1,000
Doug Land­steiner $1,000
John McDon­ald $1,000
Sandra Meschke $1,000
MIDCO $1,000
Jim Miller $1,000
Chuck Mixson $1,000
Prairie­land Defend­ers MOPH #807 $1,000
Gary Reutzel $1,000
TPI Hospi­tality $1,000
Ameri­can Legion Auxil­iary Unit #36 $994.48
Nasco Equip­ment Inc $880
Korean Veterans Chapter 254 (Bench) $820.93
David Manning $800
City of Fairmont $665
Fairmont Photo Press $600
Ronald J Arens, CPA $600
James & Mary Schoener $600
Shell Station Custom­ers $600
Sweet Finan­cial Services Inc $600
Valero Employ­ees $544.66
Bruce & Shelly Abitz $500
Barry Altman $500
Ameri­can Legion Post #522 $500
Terry Ander­son $500
Blazer Bar $500
City of Northrop $500
Cynthia Blien Draine $500
Feder­ated Rural Electric Associa­tion $500
Stephen & Rebecca Guetter $500
Dr. John & Donna Holstine $500
Kahler Auto­mation Corp. $500
Douglas & Colette Land­steiner $500
Steven R. Meyer $500
Minne­sota Energy Re­sources $500
Ernie & Sandy Nuss $500
Judith Grant Stang $500
State Bank of Fairmont $500
Alice Struss Family $500
Sweet Finan­cial Foun­dation $500
Marvin & Lola Talledge $500
Wieder­hoeft Welding $500
Ross & Cindy Wohl­huter $500


Perpetual Care Fund

Stars Donor Amount
Martin County $20,000


Stars Donor Amount
MN State Legacy Fund $97,000
Profinium Banks $1,000