About the Memorial

The construction of the Martin County Veterans Memorial is now underway. Current and future plans for the memorial are outlined below.


This video takes you through a fly-through Virtual Reality Tour of the proposed design for the Martin County Veterans Memorial.


A 70 foot flag pole supporting a 25′ x 15′ U.S. flag, a red granite sign and an 80′ x 8′ black granite wall with the names of Martin County Veterans have been installed as of 2019. Additional names will be added annually.


Phase II will see the creation of a secluded natural setting with areas for quiet reflection by granite benches and life-size bronze statues of military soldiers representing all past and current war eras. A Bell Cobra-Fixed Wing Attack Helicopter, AH-1-66-F-15327, has also been acquired by the committee and will be put on permanent display at the memorial site.

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I am asking our followers to help us out. MCVM has helped Toys for Tots get started. Please share this information. We gave applications for TFT to all the public grammar schools in Martin County to be distributed. All the schools sent them out in a timely fashion except for Fairmont. The deadline for us receiving applications is today. We have hardly received any applications from Fairmont and are not sure what happened and why Fairmont families have not received applications. We are extending the application process until December 4. Applications can be gotten at the Library on Park St in Fairmont and the library will collect them for TFT and we will pick them up. Please, please share this and help all children in Martin County have a good Christmas. If you know someone in need, please let them know. ... See MoreSee Less
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Veterans Day occurs on November 11 th every year in the United States in honor of the “eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month “ of 1918 that signaled the end of WW I and was originally names Armistice Day.President Eisenhower renames it Veterans Day in 1954.Veterans Day commemorates all Veterans of all wars.Veterans Day commemorates all Veterans, both living and dead. The Martin County Veterans Memorial board of directors salutes all veterans. ... See MoreSee Less
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